AIA Filament Eruption Catalog
Column Headers:
- Start: Start time in UT.
- Δt: Event duration in hours.
- X & Y: Center coordinates in arcseconds offset from Sun-center.
- Rating: A number from 1 to 5 that reflects how interesting the catalog observers felt the event was, with 5 being the most interesting.
- Type: General filament type out of the following options: Quiescent or Quiet Sun (QS), Polar Crown (PC), Active Region (AR), Intermediate (IP), or Trans-Equatorial (TE).
- Symmetry: Symmetric (S) for normal, loop-like eruptions or Asymmetric (A) for eruptions initiated from a single footpoint.
- Direction: Radial (R), Non-Radial (NR), or Sideways (S), indicating the initial trajectory upon eruption. A sideways eruption is characterized by a significant tangential velocity component before or while the filament is erupting outward. Non-Radial and Sideways classifications may represent a temporary deflection after which the eruption takes up a typical radial course.
- Twist: Yes (Y) or No (N) for evidence of twisted structures or motion along the filament spine. Often this takes the form of apparent untwisting motions in the legs of an erupting filament.
- Writhe: Yes (Y) or No (N) for the appearance of a kinked magnetic structure.
- Threads: Yes (Y) or No (N) for the presence of dark absorption threads oriented perpendicular to the filament spine.
- Cavity: Yes (Y), No (N), or During (D) regarding presence of coronal cavity. Yes refers to a cavity that is apparent prior to the eruption, while During refers to a cavity that only becomes apparent once the eruption is in progress.
- Flare: GOES flares that occurred during the time range with the zoomed-in movie FOV.
- CME: Velocity of the associated CME observed using LASCO and recorded by the CACTus catalog.
- Behind Limb: Behind Limb (B), Limb (L), or Disk (D).
- Eruption: Full (F), Partial (P), or Confined (C) for the success of the filament eruption.
Additional Features:
- Drop down field: Click the
icons for:
- Thumbnail preview animations for the 304, 171, and 193 Å channels.
- Movies that can be downloaded or streamed via YouTube by clicking the thumbnails.
- Title link to the corresponding HEK entry.
- Comments for each event from the HEK and catalog observers.
- Search bar in upper-right can filter the table based on terms in the comments (e.g. enter "pctr" to find instances where the prominence-corona transition region was mentioned).
- Column sorting: Each column may be sorted on by clicking headers.
Kinematics information is also available for around 100 events. These eruptions can
be isolated by searching for "kinematics" in the search bar (or clicking
A text file containing the height vs. time data for each event is provided, along
with a plot and movie illustrating the trajectory and fit results (if applicable).
See McCauley et al. (2015) for details.
ID |
Start (UT) |
Δt (hrs) |
X (") |
Y (") |
Rating |
Type |
Symmetry |
Direction |
Twist |
Writhe |
Threads |
Cavity |
Flares |
CME (km/s) |
Behind Limb |
Eruption |
New Comments |
Row Details |
Events were culled from the Heliophysics Event Knowledgebase
(HEK), and
support for this work was provided by NASA through grant NNX12AI30G.
If you publish work using this catalog, please cite
McCauley et al. (2015).