Hinode & SDO Sigmoid Catalog
Column Headers:
- ID: An Identifying number as an easy reference to a specific region.
- Rating: An arbitrary classification to determine which events warrant further case studies. A value of 4 is highest.
- NOAA #: The NOAA classification number given to identified Active Regions.
- T-Best: The time in UT when the sigmoidal shape is most prominent.
- X & Y: The center location of the sigmoid in arcsec from disk center.
- Size: Measure of the long axis of the sigmoid in arcsec.
- Aspect Ratio: Ratio of the long axis to short axis.
- Orientation: How the loops look. S = S-Shaped, I = Inverted S-Shaped and H = Horizontal.
- Hemisphere: Which hemisphere the sigmoid is located in. N = North and S = South.
- EUV Filament: Is there an EUV filament present at any time during the lifetime of the sigmoid? Y = Yes, N = No, and ? = Undetermined
- Ha Filament: Is there an Ha filament present at any time during the lifetime of the sigmoid? Y = Yes, N = No, and ? = Undetermined
- Sunspots: How many sunspots are located in this region.
- Flux Emerge: Is Flux Emergence observed in the region at any point over its lifetime? N = No and Y = Yes. Information not populated yet.
- Flux Cancel: Is Flux Cancelation observed in the region at any point over its lifetime? N = No and Y = Yes. Information not populated yet.
- Peak Flux: The peak of the flux measured in Mx. Information not populated yet.
- Flare: How many of each GOES class flares there were during the lifetime of the sigmoid.
- CME: Links to automated LASCO CME detections by CACTus during the lifetime of the sigmoid. Populated based on overlap with eruption times, so each CME not necessarily related to eruption.
- Filament Eruption: How may filament eruptions emanated from this region over its lifetime.
- Transient Coronal Hole: If there was a Transient Coronal Hole observed during sigmoid lifetime. Y = Yes and N = No, and M = Maybe.
- Flare Ribbons: Were there Flare Ribbons observed after each flare? Y = Yes and N = No. Information not populated yet.
- Post-Flare Loops: Were there Post-Flare Loops observed after each flare? Y = Yes and N = No. Information not populated yet.
- Nearby Coronal Hole: If there was a Coronal Hole observed next to the region. Y = Yes, N = No, and M = Maybe.
- Nearby AR: If there was a Active Region observed near the region. Given as the NOAA AR number, or a simple Y = Yes if that number is unknown.
Additional Features:
- Column sorting: Each column may be sorted on by clicking headers. Combination-sort by shift-clicking multiple column headers.
- Drop down field:
icons activate a drop-down field containing additional comments.
- Clickable cutout images in either XRT or AIA 335 passbands as well as images taken from Solar Monitor.
- Cutout movies can be downloaded through links under Movie header.
- Search bar in upper-right can filter table based on keywords in the comments (e.g. enter "kink" to isolate events where evidence for kink instability was noticed).
ID |
Rating |
NOAA # |
T-Best (UT) |
X (") |
Y (") |
Size (") |
Aspect Ratio |
Orientation |
Hemisphere |
EUV Filament |
Hα Filament |
Sunspots |
Flux Emerge |
Flux Cancel |
Peak Flux |
Flare |
Filament Eruption |
Transient Coronal Hole |
Flare Ribbons |
Post- Flare Loops |
Nearby Coronal Hole |
Nearby AR |
Row Details |
Please see Savcheva et al. (2014) for additional information and results from this catalog.